Our Divided Country
Today someone asked me, “Has it hit you yet that Donald Trump is gone?” Good question.
Today someone asked me, “Has it hit you yet that Donald Trump is gone?” Good question.
Three county mobile home parks were recently sold to private equity investors who quickly raised space rents so high or made other changes that it may eventually force some from their homes.
Amanda Gorman mesmerized the nation on Inauguration Day with her poem “The Hill We Climb.” These lines in particular jumped out at me:
…There is always light, If only we’re brave enough to see it,If only we’re brave enough to be it.
Today we celebrate the birthday, life, and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. For me, and I suspect for all of us, this is the most important MLK Day of my lifetime. His words and actions echo strongly of where we are today and where we need to be.
“Whenever I go to a protest — the Women’s March, Black Lives Matter — that feels like following in her footsteps,” Granddaughter of Betty Gram Swing said. “But I think I’ve taken a different path than she did.”
The first White House protesters were the suffragists, who amid a world war and a flu pandemic unfurled banners demanding of Woodrow Wilson, “MR. PRESIDENT, HOW LONG MUST WOMEN WAIT FOR LIBERTY?”
100 years ago, the 19th Amendment was ratified. But American women’s battle for the ballot began long before that day in August—and continues, even to this day. Wonder Media Network presents She Votes!—a podcast that digs into the complex history of the women’s suffrage movement and its enduring significance, hosted by award-winning journalists Ellen Goodman and Lynn Sherr.
Panning incumbent as fringe career politician, Businesswoman Brynne Kennedy Highlights Key Differences on COVID-19, Healthcare, Social Security.
The El Dorado Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) will be considering the appointment of an Alternate Public Member who will serve a new four-year term.
The Lincoln Project’s latest ad, “Fauci”, lauds Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has steadfastly served the American people for decades, including as a leader of the current White House Coronavirus Task Force, and admonishes President Trump’s neglectful and incompetent response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Just over a decade ago, Americans of every political persuasion stood united to support veterans and our military.
El Dorado County Democratic Women present Mike Saunders as he shares his recent experiences and hear his perspective of these turbulent times.
U.S. intelligence sources believe that Russia has been offering – and apparently paying – bounties for dead U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. We learned that the president knew this months ago and did nothing to punish Putin’s lawless country.
Considered the nation’s most important civil rights legislation since Reconstruction, it prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or national origin.
El Dorado County is behind in our Census 2020 response.
The Census determines how billions of federal dollars are spent and on how many Congressional members we get to represent us.
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The COVID19 pandemic is crushing the budgets of rural local governments. In response, the Republican Senate tells them to declare bankruptcy!
As a young woman living in America, women’s reproductive rights has always been an issue close to my heart. In recent years, these rights have been under fire
When I was 10 years old, I broke my collarbone on Christmas Day. I still remember how vulnerable I felt, and how relieving