Broadband Legislation

Catastrophic wildfires and now the pandemic have exposed the severity of California’s Digital Divide as a widening chasm that adversely impacts public safety, education, healthcare, and our livelihoods.

Celebrating Earth Day

The first Earth Day occurred 51 years ago, April 22nd. Being a young naïve college student at the time I assumed that we would solve the problems in a year or two. Unfortunately we haven’t and it has only gotten worse.

Voting Rights — Then and Now

Through some twist of fate, March has been an important month in America’s gradual and still developing representative democracy. The 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified and certified on March 30, 1870; that amendment declared that:

Redistricting in the works in EDC

El Dorado County is moving forward with redistricting that will redefine state legislative districts as well as local supervisorial districts using data from the 2020 census.

Wildfire Insurance Update for Rural Communities

Access to affordable and protective fire insurance remains a growing issue in all corners of the state, with a continued emphasis in rural areas but an increasing spread to urban areas. Emerging challenges in accessing coverage have been reported for commercial business and farm policy holders in fire risk areas.

Counteracting Disinformation

Countries that are resilient to disinformation and foreign influence rely on whole-of-society approaches focused on digital literacy and awareness of disinformation tactics.

Rent Stabilization Update With Tamara Janies and Frank Porter

A follow up to a previous episode about recent rent increases for mobile home residents. Our guests are trying to pass an ordinance to limit the rent increases in the county. Watch in full for more info, and how you can get involved if you’re interested.

Barton’s Refusal to Bargain A Fair Contract

Registered nurses from Barton Memorial Hospital will be conducting a virtual town hall to inform the community about how Barton has used the pandemic to refuse to bargain a fair contract with nurses at a time when nurses are already under extreme stress.

Our Divided Country

Today someone asked me, “Has it hit you yet that Donald Trump is gone?” Good question.

You Are the Light – an essay and thank you

Amanda Gorman mesmerized the nation on Inauguration Day with her poem “The Hill We Climb.” These lines in particular jumped out at me:
…There is always light, If only we’re brave enough to see it,If only we’re brave enough to be it.

MLK Day – Build a better tomorrow

Today we celebrate the birthday, life, and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. For me, and I suspect for all of us, this is the most important MLK Day of my lifetime. His words and actions echo strongly of where we are today and where we need to be.


“Whenever I go to a protest — the Women’s March, Black Lives Matter — that feels like following in her footsteps,” Granddaughter of Betty Gram Swing said. “But I think I’ve taken a different path than she did.”


The first White House protesters were the suffragists, who amid a world war and a flu pandemic unfurled banners demanding of Woodrow Wilson, “MR. PRESIDENT, HOW LONG MUST WOMEN WAIT FOR LIBERTY?”

She Votes

100 years ago, the 19th Amendment was ratified. But American women’s battle for the ballot began long before that day in August—and continues, even to this day. Wonder Media Network presents She Votes!—a podcast that digs into the complex history of the women’s suffrage movement and its enduring significance, hosted by award-winning journalists Ellen Goodman and Lynn Sherr.

LAFCO Appointment Available

The El Dorado Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) will be considering the appointment of an Alternate Public Member who will serve a new four-year term.