Reject the assault on rooftop solar
Who is behind the plan to slash the credit to homeowners with rooftop solar? Just follow the money behind the campaign. Hint: it’s not homeowners, who are doing the right thing for the environment by investing in solar.
The cost shift argument is a lie concocted by the fossil fuel industry and rolled out to state legislatures all over our country by ALEC. A similar measure enacted in Nevada practically killed affordability of rooftop solar.
The real cost increases are due to infrastructure investments and wildfire damage caused by utilities not maintaining their infrastructure.
SMUD, which made the cost shift argument, spent millions on advertising while cutting the NEM rate by 47%. This cost was passed on to ratepayers.
Rooftop solar is an important part of reducing our greenhouse gases and making it unaffordable is the last thing we need to do. Contact the California Public Utilities Commission and the governor and just say no.