Governor Newsom Signs Legislation
Governor Gavin Newsom announced that he has signed the following bills:
- Local government: county regional justice facilities. AB 414 by Assemblymember Brian Maienschein (D-San Diego)
- Cremation of veterans with the United States flag. AB 496 by Assemblymember Phillip Chen (R-Yorba Linda)
- Partition of real property: Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act. AB 633 by Assemblymember Lisa Calderon (D-Whittier)
- Joint powers authorities: Riverside County Housing Finance Trust. AB 687 by Assemblymember Kelly Seyarto (R-Murrieta)
- Capital investment incentive program: qualified manufacturing facility: ad valorem property tax revenue allocation payments. AB 726 by Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella)
- Disability retirement: COVID-19: presumption. AB 845 by Assemblymember Freddie Rodriguez (D-Pomona)
- Pupil health: COVID-19 Youth Health Information Act. AB 856 by Assemblymember Brian Maienschein (D-San Diego)
- Maintenance of the codes. AB 938 by Assemblymember Laurie Davies (R-Laguna Niguel)
- Mobilehome parks: rent caps. AB 978 by Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-Fullerton)
- Law enforcement: social media. AB 1475 by Assemblymember Evan Low (D-Campbell)
- State claims: California Victim Compensation Board: Government Claims Program. AB 1593 by Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego)
- The California FAIR Plan Association: basic property insurance: exclusions. SB 11 by Senator Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park)
- Domestic violence: protective orders: information pertaining to a child. SB 24 by Senator Anna Caballero (D-Salinas)
- Surplus residential property. SB 51 by Senator María Elena Durazo (D-Los Angeles)
- Property taxation: delinquent penalties and costs: cancellation: public health orders. SB 219 by Senator Mike McGuire (D-Healdsburg)
- Aging. SB 258 by Senator John Laird (D-Santa Cruz)
- State government: gender-neutral terms: California Conservation Corps. SB 272 by Senator John Laird (D-Santa Cruz)
- Life and disability income insurance: HIV tests. SB 283 by Senator Lena Gonzalez (D-Long Beach)
- Protective orders: reproductive coercion. SB 374 by Senator Dave Min (D-Irvine)
- Public Employees’ Retirement System: employment without reinstatement. SB 411 by Senator Dave Cortese (D-San Jose)
- Water theft: enhanced penalties. SB 427 by Senator Susan Talamantes Eggman (D-Stockton)
- Local publicly owned electric utilities: integrated resource planning: transportation electrification. SB 437 by Senator Bob Wieckowski (D-Fremont)
- School districts and community college districts: governing board elections: charter cities. SB 442 by Senator Josh Newman (D-Fullerton)
- Unfair Competition Law: enforcement. SB 461 by Senator Dave Cortese (D-San Jose)
- Local Government Renewable Energy Self-Generation Program. SB 479 by Senator John Laird (D-Santa Cruz)
- Fire protection: Office of the State Fire Marshal: State Board of Fire Services: membership. SB 817 by the Committee on Governmental Organization