Advocate for Use of Body Cameras by Sheriffs.
The Second call to action is for the Board of Supervisors. This may be a presentation to explain why the Sheriffs should not use bodycams.
On Tuesday, May 11, the Board of Supervisors will hear comments regarding the use of body cameras by the Sheriffs.
16. 21-0707 Sheriff’s Office recommending the Board receive and file a presentation on the benefits and challenges involved in the implementation of Body Worn Cameras. FUNDING: General Fund.
This agenda item has been a long time in coming. Mike and Melinda first met with the sheriffs on this issue last summer. At the time, Sheriff D’Agostini had no interest in using body cameras. It is extremely hopeful that D’Agostini has shifted course on this topic and is bringing it up at a BOS meeting on Tuesday. Thanks are in order to Leo for his recent efforts with the sheriffs.
Other information: This presentation may cover why the Sheriffs should not have body cam. So be prepared to provide your support why we should.
CRN requests that all interested community members take the following two actions:
Write a letter to the Board of Supervisors and to the Clerk of the Board. Express in your own words why you think the Supervisors should support Sheriffs’ implementation of body cameras.
Email Addresses
Supervisor Hidahl (District 1): bosone@edcgov.us
Supervisor Turnboo (District 2): bostwo@edcgov.us
Supervisor Thomas (District 3): bosthree@edcgov.us
Supervisor Parlin (District 4): bosfour@edcgov.us
Supervisor Novasel (District 5): bosfive@edcgov.us
CLERK OF THE BOARD: edc.cob@edcgov.us
Attend The City Council Meeting this Tuesday, May 11th, beginning at 8AM and Speak During Public Comments on Item 16. 21-0707.
Zoom meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/99433172838