Martin Luther King Day – Build a better tomorrow
Message from Josh Elder, EDC DCC Chair
Today we celebrate the birthday, life, and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. For me, and I suspect for all of us, this is the most important MLK Day of my lifetime. His words and actions echo strongly of where we are today and where we need to be.
Martin Luther King Jr. is famous for having said,
“Only in the darkness can you see the stars.”
In these trying times I understand where we need to go as a county and our work in 2021 and beyond should be clear now. We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal.
Today I wish I could be with you at the MLK events (See below). But I also am glad to be working to serve our Veterans in the hospital today. I have found that working with Veterans gives me faith in our people and our capacity to change. These woman and men I meet – each one – tells me how saddened they are to see the violence and unrest in our nation – for a country they tried with their lives – to preserve, protect, and defend.
Ronald Reagan signed the holiday today into law in 1983. Civil rights are bigger than party – they are the central purpose of our great nation. To me there is no more important work than working to create a nation of one. This will be hard but there is no other way.
Be just, be fair, and go out as MLK did and build a better tomorrow.
Joshua W. Elder,
Chair, EDC Democratic Party
PS: I encourage you, your friends and family to participate in our local El Dorado County virtual Dr. Martin Luther King Day event. (See links).
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