The El Dorado Local Agency Formation Commission is considering the appointment for the Alternate Public Member on LAFCO
(Application Deadline: Open until filled)
The El Dorado Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) will be considering the appointment of an Alternate Public Member to LAFCO who will serve a new four-year term, which will run from the time of appointment through May 2024.
The Public Member Alternate represents the interests of the citizens and residents of El Dorado County. The Alternate fully participates in the discussion and deliberation at LAFCO meetings but votes only when the regular Public Member is absent or disqualified.
Applicants must be a resident and a registered voter in El Dorado County and cannot be a city, district or County official of any public agency within El Dorado County. Those seated on LAFCO are subject to the Fair Political Practices Commission and must file an annual conflict of interest statement.
Under state law, LAFCO is mandated to ensure the logical formation and determination of the local government agency boundaries, which affect growth and development patterns, delivery of urban services, and agricultural and open space lands within El Dorado County. The Commission typically meets the fourth Wednesday of every month at 5:30 p.m., with the exception of the months of November and December. Because of the holidays, a combined meeting is typically held on the second Wednesday of December.
If you wish to be considered for the Alternate Public Member position on LAFCO, the application form is posted on the web at www.edlafco.us. If you have any questions, please call the LAFCO office at (530) 295-2707.
Please submit applications to:
El Dorado LAFCO
550 Main Street, Suite E
Placerville, CA 95667
This position is open and completed applications will be accepted until filled.