Staying Safe and Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Parlow-Solomon Professor on Aging
Professor of Psychiatry & BioBehavioral Sciences
Director, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry
Director, UCLA Longevity Center

I hope that all of you are safe and healthy during the challenging coronavirus pandemic. The Longevity Center has transitioned the Senior Scholars program to online learning, while all other educational programs have been temporarily suspended as we look to the feasibility of moving to offering our programs online using video conferencing platforms (e.g., Zoom).

With the uncertainty and evolving impact of COVID-19, it is natural to experience anxiety, and like any emotion, anxiety can spread from person to person. Moreover, many of us are following current recommendations for social distancing, which will limit the community spread of the virus but also presents its own challenges with isolation and loneliness. You may wish to keep in mind some of the following tips to reduce the mind health risks during this incredibly challenging time:

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