Central Committee – 2024 – 2027
To reach anyone on the list below, send email to
- Margaret Fortune, Chair
- Frank Porter, Executive Vice Chair
- Lori Anzini, Vice Chair, Campaign Services & Candidate Developement
- Michael Saunders, Vice Chair, Membership & Education
- Vacant, Vice Chair, Fundraising & Events
- Lynn Benningfield, Controller
- Leslie Palmisano, Secretary
- Staci Evans, Member at Large
BOS District 1
- Cory Anttila, Vice Chair (elected)
BOS District 2
- Lori Anzini, Vice Chair (elected)
BOS District 3
- Paul Penn, Vice Chair (appointed)
BOS District 4
- Ruth Michelson, Vice Chair (appointed)
BOS District 5
- Susan Kessler Chandler, Vice Chair (elected)
Ex-Officio Members and their Alternates
- Mike Barkley, Congressional District 5 Candidate (Alternate: Bill Woodruff)
- Alejandro Carrillo – CA Dem Party Regional Director 4
- Neva Parker, State Assembly District 5 Candidate (Alternate: Pat Wendt)
- Bill Monroe, CA Dem Party Regional Director 3
Chartered Clubs’ Representatives
- Susan Kessler Chandler (South Lake Tahoe Democratic Club)
- Courtney Jackson (Democratic Women of El Dorado County)
- John Savage (United Democrats of El Dorado County)
Standing Committees – 2024 – 2025
Resolution, Policy & Issues
- Review resolutions referred to it by the Executive Committee or the EDCDCC and make recommendations as to the resolutions the EDCDCC should endorse.
- Research and draft resolutions to be submitted to the EDCDCC for consideration and approval.
- Research and revise recommended platform planks for the CDP or for the Democratic National Party.
- Research and revise position papers and/or presentations for educational purposes of the EDCDCC.
- Assist in recruiting experts to make presentations to the EDCDCC at meetings and events.
- Research and report to the EDCDCC any County specific issue, legislation or event that may require an opinion or action from the EDCDCC.
- Paul Penn, Chair
Fundraising & Events
Establish a year round fundraising plan for the EDCDCC.
Set a timetable for achieving fundraising goals.
Prepare and present quarterly written reports to the membership outlining fundraising activities of the EDCDCC.
Have the ability to establish sub-committee(s) for specific fundraising events, as determined necessary.
- Vacant, Chair
Marketing & Communications
- Determine the modes by which the EDCDCC will communicate with its members, with other Democratic activists, and with Democratic voters in El Dorado County.
- Set-up, manage and deliver content to the agreed upon modes of communications.
- Be responsible for researching and recommending new technology, for consideration by the body, specifically for the purposes of providing remote access services to Members of the EDCDCC.
- Be responsible for the dissemination of general information from the EDCDCC via the EDCDCC website, email, Facebook, Twitter, and other electronic means available.
- Be responsible for the development, operation and maintenance of the EDCDCC website.
- Be responsible for the selection of a vendor to assist with the development, operations and updating of the website. (The Executive Committee will approve any and all contracts for services for the website and Social Media).
- Kathleen Barco, Chair
Membership & Education
Oversee the development of and/or participate in unique voter registration programs throughout El Dorado County. These voter registration programs may include those initiated by chartered organizations.
Be primarily engaged in reaching out to all segments of the county with a goal toward improving the diversity of the makeup of the EDCDCC.
Promote networking with other groups and like-minded organizations within El Dorado County.
Devise methods, through the use of speakers, printed materials, and media contact, to inform the public about the EDCDCC and the Democratic philosophy and programs.
Spearhead EDCDCC visibility and participation in community events and projects.
Provide outreach to the high schools in the county and assist in developing Young Democrat Clubs in all local educational institutions.
Oversee the development of the youth membership program in the EDCDCC.
- Mike Saunders, Chair
Candidate Development
This committee is responsible for candidate recruitment, recommendations for campaign contributions, recommendations for candidate endorsements and recommendations for local ballot propositions.
The committee consists of at least three (3) EDCDCC members.
At its first meeting for each election cycle, the Committee must review the sections of the CDP Bylaws that cover the endorsement of candidates and establish a process for evaluating candidates and making recommendations to the EDCDCC as a whole. The Committee’s evaluation process shall be presented to the EDCDCC for approval, prior to implementation.
- Mike Saunders, Chair
Campaign Services
- Develop campaign plans and strategies to support candidates and issues endorsed by the DCC.
- Utilize the PDI/MOE systems to support campaign plans.
- Organize campaign volunteers to support endorsed candidates
- Develop campaign materials, mailings, phone banks, email messaging, text messaging, and utilize social media to support endorsed candidates and issues.
- As needed, establish sub-committee(s) for specific election related activities, such as Data Research Team, Candidate Training, Election Tracking, etc.
- Lori Anzini, Chair
Data Research Team
- Terry Fagan, Chair
- Joel Wiley, PDI/MOE Administrator