Construction of $3.5 trillion infrastructure package

Details of the $3.5 Trillion Infrastructure Package by Heather Cox Richardson This week, lawmakers will begin to construct the details of the $3.5 trillion infrastructure package they declared their intention to pass. On August 11, the Senate approved a budget...

Newsom Needs to Stay

Newsom Needs to Stay by Susan ChandlerChair, South Lake Tahoe Democratic Club You will soon (if not already) be receiving a ballot in your mail on which you will be asked to recall our Governor, Gavin Newsom.  VOTE NO! You may conclude that because California is a...

Too Close to Home

As I write this narrative I remain indoors because the smoke level outside is too hazardous here in the foothills. This is our new reality.

Around the Water Cooler

New Monthly Series on Water. Stay informed about the methods our government is utilizing and how they can change our lifestyle.

Celebrating Earth Day

The first Earth Day occurred 51 years ago, April 22nd. Being a young naïve college student at the time I assumed that we would solve the problems in a year or two. Unfortunately we haven’t and it has only gotten worse.

History Repeats Itself … Let’s Hope

History Repeats Itself … Let’s Hope BY: @JOY STERLING, Rural Caucus Chair Eighty-five years ago, on May 11, 1935, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt issued Executive Order 7037, which created the Rural Electrification...