About Your Census 


It is now mid-April and that means the 2020 census is in high gear. Even with stay at home orders and other impacts of COVID-19, it is still possible — and important — for you to participate in the census while doing your part to keep the community safe. That’s because for the first time in our history, we can respond to the census online or by phone.

So far, nearly 7 million Californians have been counted in the 2020 census. Have you?

Participation is simple. You should have received an invitation to participate (or two or three) in the mail by now that includes your census ID code. Go to my2020census.gov, enter the code, and get started. Or you can call the phone number listed in the letter you received.

When you complete the census, make sure that everyone who lives in your household is counted.

Completing the census takes only about 10 minutes, but will help your community for the next 10 years! 

Be confident when you complete the census knowing that the personal information we submit is kept private and confidential. 

El Dorado County Democratic Party
P.O. Box 1126
Diamond Springs, CA 95619